Issuing a single request


#include <libgearman/gearman.h>

void *gearman_client_do(gearman_client_st *client, const char *function_name, const char *unique, const void *workload, size_t workload_size, size_t *result_size, gearman_return_t *ret_ptr)

Changed in version 0.21: GEARMAN_PAUSE will no longer be returned. A do operation will now run till completion or error.

void *gearman_client_do_high(gearman_client_st *client, const char *function_name, const char *unique, const void *workload, size_t workload_size, size_t *result_size, gearman_return_t *ret_ptr)
void *gearman_client_do_low(gearman_client_st *client, const char *function_name, const char *unique, const void *workload, size_t workload_size, size_t *result_size, gearman_return_t *ret_ptr)


gearman_client_do() executes a single request to the gearmand server and waits for a reply.

gearman_client_do_high() and gearman_client_do_low() are identical to gearman_client_do(), only they set the priority to either high or low.

All of the functions will block until either a response or an error is returned.


gearman_client_do() returns a pointer to a value that the caller must release. If ret_ptr is provided any errors that have occurred will be stored in it. Since a NULL/zero value is a valid value, you will always need to check ret_ptr if you are concerned with errors.


# Gearman server and library
# Copyright (C) 2012 Data Differential,
# All rights reserved.
# Use and distribution licensed under the BSD license.  See
# the COPYING file in this directory for full text.

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <libgearman/gearman.h>

int main(void)
  gearman_client_st *client= gearman_client_create(NULL);

  gearman_return_t ret= gearman_client_add_server(client, "localhost", 0);
  if (gearman_failed(ret))
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  size_t result_size;
  gearman_return_t rc;
  void *value= gearman_client_do(client, "reverse_function", "unique_value", 
                                 "my string to reverse", strlen("my string to reverse"), 
                                 &result_size, &rc);

  if (gearman_success(rc))
    // Make use of value


  return 0;


To find out more information please check:

See also

gearmand(8) libgearman(3) gearman_strerror(3)